- Actualités et vie du projet
Base de données : fonctionnement et calendrier - Bénédicte Hertz (CMBV, CESR)
Pauline Lemaigre-Gaffier (Dypac, UVSQ-Paris Saclay)
Rédaction des Portraits d’Académies - Caroline Toublanc (CMBV)
Présentation de la bibliographie Zotero - Marguerite Stahl (Conservateur honoraire du patrimoine)
Portrait d’Académie : l’Académie des Lyriques (Bordeaux)
- Thomas Vernet (Fondation Royaumont)
À propos de l’Idée des Concerts de province de Jean-Jacques Ducharger, un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque du château de Chantilly - Youri Carbonnier (Université d’Artois - Arras, CREHS)
À la Cathédrale et au Concert. Les liens entre les musiciens d’église et les Concerts - Raphaëlle Legrand (Sorbonne Université, IReMus)
Chanter à l’Académie d’Aix-en-Provence à la fin du règne de Louis XV
After 18 months spent identifying and sourcing archives, the AcadéC research project led by the CMBV, with the CESR, Royaumont and IReMus, and financed by the ANR, has embarked on a second year of study culminating in a seminar on the implantation of music academies in France between 1710 and 1770.
At the crossroads of learned societies and private theatre companies, not much is known about these official institutions. Their novel system, specific repertoires and rich musical heritage offer the CMBV a fresh avenue of research.
After identifying and sourcing archives, an initial mapping of provincial French music academies has found around sixty establishments. A brainstorming exercise produced a definition of music academicism, and a common model helped determine its specific features and chronology.
This new year of reflection will focus on the artistic, academic and administrative systems that were used to disseminate musical skills, repertoires and practices. Three public seminar sessions will be held. Parallel to this, efforts continue to search for musical repertoires, building on CMBV archives and an interoperable database to make the findings available to the public.
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