The Sleeping Beauties theme offers a chance to hear rarely or never-performed works, such as Messe à six voix by Jean Colin, symphonies by Charles Desmazures or motets from the Tours et Deslauriers [...]
Published by the CMBV and recorded following a series of performances with Le Concert Spirituel in 2020 for the Campra festival, Le Carnaval de Venise was turned into a stage version in the [...]
This concert stems from recent AcadéC research findings, part of the 2022-2026 research project on 18th century Concert Academies led by the CMBV and financed by the French research agency, to shed fresh [...]
The Sleeping Beauties theme offers a chance to hear rarely or never-performed works, such as Messe à six voix by Jean Colin, symphonies by Charles Desmazures or motets from the Tours et Deslauriers [...]
Exceptional opening of the CMBV library ! On the occasion of this Discovery Day, the CMBV library will be exceptionally open to the public from 10am to 4pm. Come and explore its unique collection of [...]
The Sleeping Beauties theme offers a chance to hear rarely or never-performed works, such as Messe à six voix by Jean Colin, symphonies by Charles Desmazures or motets from the Tours et Deslauriers [...]
Après une première résidence en octobre sur un programme musical pour instruments à vent et à archet, Gabrielle Rubio poursuit son travail à la Fondation Partage et Vie - EPHAD La Mésangerie [...]
Published by the CMBV and recorded following a series of performances with Le Concert Spirituel in 2020 for the Campra festival, Le Carnaval de Venise was turned into a stage version in the [...]
Inscrit dans le sillage des travaux pionniers de Daniel Roche sur les académies (Le Siècle des Lumières en province , 1978), AcadéC invite à une réflexion pluridisciplinaire sur les sociétés artistiques. [...]
This concert stems from recent AcadéC research findings, part of the 2022-2026 research project on 18th century Concert Academies led by the CMBV and financed by the French research agency, to shed fresh [...]
La base de données "Costumes de scène européens du XVIIIe siècle", financée par le Conseil suédois de la recherche (Vetenskapsrådet), s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet de recherche "La fabrique du [...]
Concerts, stage productions, teaching projects, recordings: the production department encourages the spread of French Baroque music.
Symposiums, study days, seminars, publications, performance practices : the CMBV Research Department is a musicology lab, working in partnership with the CESR and the CNRS.
Sharing knowledge of early music and practical expertise in French baroque music in particular, is one of the key missions of the CMBV.
The Centre de musique baroque de Versailles designs bespoke local activities and outreach projects, notably for youngsters.
Sheet music, books, CDs and DVDs. The Centre de musique baroque de Versailles offers a variety of publications.
The CMBV has multiple ressources: a specialised library, digital resources, stage set & costume collections, musical instruments, 18 rehearsal rooms, etc.