Following the government's decisions on coronavirus COVID-19 to ban gatherings of more than 100 people and to close schools, this event is canceled.
Missa duobus choris and motets by Nicolas Formé*
Jeudis musicaux concerts are held weekly from November till June in the Royal Chapel at the Palace of Versailles, co-organised by the CMBV, the Palace of Versailles and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris.
They give the public a chance to hear Les Pages & Les Chantres, student organists from the Paris conservatoire (under Michel Bouvard and Olivier Latry), and young musicians from CMBV partner institutions (the Pôle Supérieur de Paris–Boulogne-Billancourt and Versailles and Paris-Saclay regional conservatoires), as well as numerous ensembles and guest conservatoires.
Jeudis musicaux concerts are held in the Royal Chapel at the Palace of Versailles every Thursday at 5.30 pm from November through June (except during school & public holidays).
Concerts last approximately one hour.
Admission is free and subject to availability (prior reservation only required for groups).
Priority seating is reserved for CMBV Cercle Rameau members.
* Score published or produced by the CMBV