For the ThéPARis research project, the CMBV, in conjunction with Côte d’Azur and Montpellier university, is holding a Study Day focusing on the expectations and demands of the people involved in theatre.
As witnessed by the capricious demands of singer Antoinette de Saint-Huberty and Lekain’s Mémoires instructing the Gentilshommes de la Chambre, those involved in the business of theatre had clear expectations. Although dependent on whether they were individually or jointly expressed, they played an undeniable role in the life of the Paris theatre in the 18th century. In light of the ThéPARis project (Paris theatres under the Ancien Régime), it appears necessary to look into such demands and see if, and how, their demands influenced society and the role of the theatre, or whether they had a marked aesthetic or poetic impact.
This Study Day aims to classify the various expectations with a view to measuring their scope and impact. Did those involved in the theatre (actors, singers, dancers, musicians & stage designers) have the wherewithal to win their case? What levers did they use to achieve their aims? How well did they work? It is also interesting to see whether the expectations of actors and others working in theatre varied according to the venue, and whether actors, singers and dancers shared the same desires.