Due to the concerns of COVID-19, the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles is forced to pospone this event to January 2021.
Marin Marais (1656-1728)
In conjunction with the early music department of the Paris Regional Conservatoire, the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles is reviving Ariane et Bacchus, a little-known masterpiece by Marin Marais specially published for the occasion.
Better known for his viola da gamba pieces, Marin Marais was also a musician at the Opéra de Paris and even served as conductor for several years. He composed four tragédies lyriques, of which one, Ariane et Bacchus, has never been performed in France since. Its libretto is rich in characters and contrasting situations, its score is dense and dramatic and its orchestration full of colour. It is undeniably one of the key works of the latter half of the reign of Louis XIV. Published by Silvana Scarinci and Julien Dubruque for the CMBV, Ariane et Bacchus will be studied in interpretation & analysis workshops at the Paris CRR’s early music department this year, before being performed on stage under the direction of leading specialist Stéphane Fuget.
The lsland leitmotif in 17th & 18th century European drama: ideological, philosophical & theatrical aspects
23 & 24 April 2020
Hôtel de Lauzun, Paris, France
Emanuele De Luca (Côte d’Azur university)
Andrea Fabiano (Sorbonne university)
Judith le Blanc (Rouen university)
Marie-Cécile Schang (Bretagne Sud university)
This international symposium, co-organised by the universities of the Sorbonne, Côte d’Azur, Rouen and Bretagne Sud, has as its theme the leitmotif of the island in 17th & 18th century European drama. It will coincide with a performance of Marin Marais’ opera Ariane et Bacchus at the Paris Regional Conservatoire, in collaboration with the CMBV.
Jeudis musicaux concerts are held weekly from November till June in the Royal Chapel at the Palace of Versailles, co-organised by the CMBV, the Palace of Versailles and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris.
Admission is free and subject to availability.
Jeudis musicaux concerts are held in the Royal Chapel at the Palace of Versailles every Thursday at 5.30 pm from November through June (except during school & public holidays).
further details