Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687)
Isis – Persée – Armide – Amadis – Acis et Galatée – Achille et Polyxène – Miserere
Pascal Colasse (1649-1709)
Achille et Polyxène – Thétis et Pélée – Énée et Lavinie
Marin Marais (1656-1728) et Louis de Lully (1664-1734)
Henry Desmarest (1661-1741)
Didon – Théagène et Cariclée – Les Amours de Momus – Les Fêtes galantes – Circé
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704)
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665-1729)
Céphale et Procris
Charles-Hubert Gervais (1671-1744)
André-Cardinal Destouches (1672-1749)
Amadis de Grèce
Reinoud Van Mechelen brings back to life the art of French vocal music with this concert featuring Dumesny, Lully’s prized singer (who allegedly started life as a cook!). In collaboration with the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, he presents the first of a trilogy tracing the history of French hautes-contre singers.
The young Belgian singer Reinoud Van Mechelen is one of the few tenors in the world possessing a genuine French haute-contre vocal range and the right pitch, suppleness and tone colour to express both infinite tenderness and great exuberance. For over a century the haute-contre voice made a fortune for the Opéra de Paris – people flocked from all over Europe to hear its star singers. After Dumesny in the era of Lully (1680-1700) came Jélyotte who took over with Rameau (1730-1750), followed by Legros when Gluck arrived in Paris (1760-1780). The musical repertoire of these composers and their contemporaries is a pure treasure trove, although still essentially unfamiliar to the public. With the CMBV, Reinoud Van Mechelen and his A nocte temporis ensemble have embarked on a journey through the unique story, this recital being the first of a trilogy.