Andrea Fabiano (Sorbonne University)
Ilaria Lepore (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Nathanael Eskenazy (Éducation nationale, CMBV)
- Marc-Antoine Legrand et Jean-Joseph Mouret : les français italiens. Jeux identitaires et échanges intertextuels (1720-1730)
The CMBV, in conjunction with Côte d’Azur University, is holding the third ThéPARis research seminar, broadening its remit to other forms of visual art or collective culture.
The third edition of the ThéPARis research seminar aims to broaden its scope of investigation. After a first part (2019) dedicated to the significant spaces 'between' institutional, public and professional theaters (Comédie-Italienne, Comédie-Française, Royal Academy of Music and fairground theaters), and a second (2020-2021) including non-institutional or non-public stages (college theater, society theater and court theater), the seminar proposes to explore the relationships of artistic transversality between the creations specific to Parisian theaters (theater, music, opera, dance, etc.) and other forms of visual art or collective culture. The challenge is to evaluate the contribution of these forms to the shaping of an aesthetic and a spectacular practice that escapes the confines of theatres and is nourished by different artistic, anthropological, social and social circles.