- Barbara Nestola (CESR - CMBV)
- Antonella D’Ovidio (Florence university - SAGAS)
- Benoît Dratwicki (CESR - CMBV)
- Chiara Pelliccia (Florence university - SAGAS)
- Nicola Usula (Linceo Giovani Centre, Rome)
The SAGAS department at Florence university (Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo) is running a Study Day in association with the CMBV which focuses on female singers in Italy and France in the 17th century.
This Study Day, organised with SAGAS and Florence university History of Art & Performance graduate school sets out to shed light on the role of female singers in Italy and France in the 17th century from an artistic as well as a social and cultural perspective, with a comparative and multinational approach. The focus will be on three study topics: the sources providing input about the singers’ art and career (texts, scores, archives, artwork, etc.); the social models and professional networks which helped shape their careers; and the repertoires and performance techniques used.